Our Vision and Values

The purpose and the vision of the church

Many people are aching to hear, learn and understand God’s truth. Our church is focused on communicating and spreading the gospel. We are to be God’s farmers in his Kingdom here in Skåne, the ground is fertile, Jesus has told us that the harvest is great but the workers are few. So we shall need to grow Christians who are workers, leaders, and missionaries. All these jobs mean that people will need to be involved in teaching, guiding, and ultimately planting more churches in Skåne and beyond. By so doing we want to directly impact local communities practically and spiritually.

Our core values


We are one family with Christ at its head from different tribes, nationalities, cultures, and languages. We welcome people from every nation on earth. We welcome them in the spirit of peace, grace, and love in the name of Jesus Christ.


We hold that the following 5 are true and form the sole basis of our church, its beliefs, and actions.

Scripture is foundational to the ordering of our lives and is the infallible word of God. Christ is the only mediator between God and man through His death on the Cross. Grace as given by God is the only method of salvation and justification. Faith is the means of justification before God. Glory to God is our only ambition in all we say, think and do.

We hold that the doctrine of grace as explained in more detail as below.

Before the foundation of the world in His great love, God chose those whom He would save in Jesus Christ. Election by God is the free gift of God. Election by God is not dependent upon faith, obedience, perseverance, or merit in those Elected by God. Election by God is founded entirely upon God’s sovereign will and pleasure. The number of the Elect is fixed for Eternity. None of those Elected by God will ever be lost. God has appointed His Elect to glory in His eternal kingdom. God has preordained all the means necessary to bring about His saving purposes.

Those whom God has predestined for Salvation are redeemed through the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. The redeemed are effectually called to faith by the Holy Spirit. Through God’s power, the redeemed are justified, adopted, sanctified, and kept for eternity. All of this is done by God so that His mercy is and can be demonstrated to the praise of His glorious grace. The doctrine of Election is accompanied by mystery. The doctrine of Election should not produce speculation, introspection, pride, or apathy, instead, it should produce humility, gratitude, assurance, evangelistic passion, and eternal praise for the wholly undeserved grace of God in Jesus Christ.


Christ loves the church and provides for its health and growth through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit sovereignly gives gifts to believers. Spiritual gifts are given by God’s grace for the glory of Christ and the building up of the church. The variety and the range of these gifts reflect the diversity of the Church, demonstrating our need for one another. All the spiritual gifts remain at work in the church and are given for the good of the church and its witness to the world. We earnestly desire to have and practice them until Christ returns.


The church is the Body of Christ, and it is made of individual members and congregations around the world. The Church, which is the body of Christ, is made up of many parts and like the human body, each part performs a vital, unique, and indispensable role.

We believe in and practice daily individual prayer and study of God’s word. Furthermore, we believe in and

practice regular corporate prayer and study of God’s word.

We are a Relational Church. As a Relational Church, we have a network of relationships, first, as a church, we have a relationship with Jesus who is the head of the Church. We have relationships with other believers and churches which together form parts of the universal church. We have relationships with our neighbors and friends where we live, our mission is to display God’s love and grace to everyone. As the Apostle Paul taught, we must be all things to all men.

Our leadership is made up of Elders. The requirements and function of the eldership team are taken from that as outlined in the New Testament.